Art. 1
The Archaeological Park of Pompeii can be visited by the public with a ticket. Visitors are required to behave in a decorous manner, promptly reporting any non-compliance or inconvenience encountered to the custodial staff.
Art. 2
Throughout the Archaeological Park it is forbidden to:
practice street trading;
throw any type of waste outside the designated containers;
throw any object inside the counters, in the basins or in the fountains;
turn on radios or other sound instruments at high volume;
get too close and touch objects, frescoes, furnishings, etc.;
deface floors, walls, antique furnishings, frescoes, benches, statues, fountains, counters and any other surface with sharp objects, markers, pencils, paints or other;
consume food outside of the designated areas;
introduce professional optical and audio equipment (cameras, microphones, audio mixers, etc.). To take professional or commercial photographs or videos, formal authorization from the Administration is required. In the absence of explicit written authorization, photographs and videos are authorized exclusively for private use;
to bring in medium and large-sized dogs, even if on a leash and with a muzzle. Only dogs that do not exceed 10 kg in weight and a maximum height of 40 cm are permitted to enter; admitted animals must be on a leash and held in the arms inside the buildings and it is mandatory to collect their excrement;
without prejudice to the above, to feed the animals, bring in and abandon animals of any species. You are asked not to approach any unattended animals that may be present in the area;
to bring in unauthorized vehicles of any kind (including electric ones);
to bring in bicycles, scooters and other motor vehicles;
to carry out the visit in unclothed clothing and/or bare-chested;
enter with suitcases and bulky bags (allowed dimensions 30x30x15 cm) and other bulky objects that must be left in the luggage storage;
talk loudly, run or disturb other visitors in any way;
smoke outside the permitted areas;
pick any type of fruit or flower;
light fires, throw lit cigarettes or otherwise behave in a way that could cause a fire risk;
dig holes;
climb or climb on walls, fountains, counters and any antique structure or furniture;
access areas delimited by barriers and deterrents;
climb over barriers, fences, deterrents, ropes delimiting spaces and/or environments;
open closed or ajar gates and stop on the edges of excavations;
enter wearing ceremonial clothes, masks and costumes;
display flags and banners;
use drones (Remotely Piloted Aircraft System – SAPR) without appropriate authorization. For authorizations, please refer to the section of the site:;
the use of distinctive stickers;
mistreating the animals in the park;
damaging or defacing in any way trees, shrubs, wild animal dens;
leaving the taps of the fountains open after use.
Art. 3
Access to the Archaeological Park of Pompeii with audio guide instruments is prohibited, with the exception of those made available by the official concessionaires of the Park or by subjects duly authorized by the latter.
Art. 4
In derogation of the provisions of the previous art. 2, access is permitted to guide dogs for assistance to the disabled. Those who intend to avail themselves of the accompaniment of dogs must show appropriate certification attesting to the disability at the entrance.
Art. 5
Visitors are required to:
indicate their identity and show the entrance ticket to the security guard who requests it;
stick to the established visit routes. It is forbidden to carry out the visit following alternative routes to those indicated by special signs and deterrents;
stick to the rules of visiting special sites, where appropriately displayed at the entrance;
sort waste.
Art. 6
By visiting the Archaeological Park of Pompeii, visitors accept and acknowledge that the internal routes of the Site, coinciding almost entirely with the ancient city, present variable differences in level and height as well as more or less marked discontinuities. It is therefore the visitor’s responsibility to use the utmost caution and attention in order to avoid tripping, sprains and other accidents. Any damage to persons or things resulting from diligence and prudence not adequate to the nature of the archaeological area are not the responsibility of the Archaeological Park of Pompeii, with the consequent exclusion of any claim for compensation. Likewise, taking into account the natural fragility of the Site due to the historicity of the structures, any damage to persons or things caused by fortuitous events and not resulting from culpable negligence are not the responsibility of the Administration.
6.1 Without prejudice to the above, in order to make the visit to the archaeological area safer, visitors are required to observe the following recommendations:
wear comfortable shoes;
be aware of the possible presence of stray dogs that have overcome the perimeter defenses of the Archaeological Park. It is recommended to keep your distance and pay attention;
visiting the Park requires considerable physical effort: for this reason, people with mobility difficulties and heart patients are advised to be extremely careful;
During any thunderstorms, avoid taking shelter under trees or other plants;
6.2 In addition to what is expressly provided for in this regulation, visitors are required to read and comply with the provisions contained in the notices and recommendations, including those relating to safety, posted at the entrances to the Park or, in any case, distributed via the website or other official communication channels of the Park.
6.3 Finally, visitors acknowledge the circumstance that the Archaeological Park of Pompeii cannot accommodate more than 20,000 people at the same time and, therefore, if the aforementioned maximum limit is reached, admissions will be limited, with consequent queues and delays.
Art. 7
Without prejudice to any criminal liability and administrative sanctions, visitors are civilly liable to the Archaeological Park of Pompeii for any damage caused due to carelessness, imprudence or failure to comply with the obligations and prohibitions established by this regulation. Those accompanying groups and schools are responsible for ensuring that individuals comply with the regulation.
Art. 8
The Archaeological Park of Pompeii reserves the right to remove visitors who do not comply with the obligations and prohibitions established by this regulation, with particular reference to the following cases
refusal by the visitor and/or accompanying person to indicate their identity and to show the entrance ticket to the security guard who requests it.
Violence or threats towards security guards, other staff and visitors;
Harassment towards the visitor or any person present in the Archaeological Park;
Adoption of any act contrary to decency.
Likewise, those accompanying groups and school groups may be temporarily banned from accessing the Archaeological Park of Pompeii in the event of repeated violations of the regulations by them or by individuals belonging to the group or school group.
Source: Pompeii Archaeological Park