More than 100 years after the discovery of the Villa of the Mysteries, a major new fresco sheds light on the mysteries of Dionysus in the classical world. In a large banquet hall excavated in recent weeks in the central area of Pompeii, in insula 10 of Regio IX, an almost life-size frieze, or “megalography” (from the Greek for “large painting”-a cycle of large-figure paintings), has emerged, circling around three sides of the room; the fourth was open to the garden.
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- Written by: Comunicato stampa
Gladiators and hunters, painted by small children with charcoal on the walls of a service courtyard in the House of the Colonnaded Cenaculum in via dell’Abbondanza at Pompeii, help to shed light on childhood in ancient Rome. As reported by the authors of an article published today in the E-Journal of the excavations of Pompeii, exposure to extreme forms of violence, even among very young children (estimated to be between 5-7 years old), does not seem to be a problem related exclusively to our own era, surrounded by video games and social media, with the difference that in antiquity the blood splattered in the arena was real and few people regarded it as a “problem”, with all the possible effects on the psychological and mental development of Pompeian children.
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- Written by: Comunicato stampa

A spectacular banqueting room with elegant black walls, decorated with mythological characters and subjects inspired by the Trojan War, is one of the rooms recently been brought to light during the excavations currently underway in insula (block) 10 of Regio IX at Pompeii and which is now completely visible in all its splendour.
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- Written by: Comunicato stampa
Although the creation of nativity scenes is a relatively modern practice, clues to ancient domestic celebrations have been discovered. In a domus near the House of Leda and the Swan, during excavation and restoration works, 13 terracotta statuettes were uncovered, evidence of a past ritual.
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- Written by: Comunicato stampa
A bakery-prison, where enslaved workers and donkeys were confined and exploited to grind the grain needed to make bread. A cramped room with no view of the outside world and with small windows high in the wall with iron bars to let the light in. In the floor indentations to coordinate the movement of the animals, forced to walk around for hours, blindfolded.
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- Written by: Comunicato stampa
Small furnished rooms have been discovered around a sumptuous lararium with a depiction of an ‘enchanted garden’, previously excavated in 2018 during the course of maintenance operations on the excavation fronts.
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- Written by: Comunicato stampa
The remains of a tortoise, with a fragile egg within her shell, have been discovered in a shop on Via dell’Abbondanza; testimony of a rich ecosystem at Pompeii, composed of natural and not only anthropic traces, and precious archaeological evidence of the final phase in the life of the city, following the violent earthquake of AD 62 and preceding the fateful eruption of AD 79.
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- Written by: Comunicato stampa
The Archaeological Park of Pompeii and the Public Prosecutor’s Office of Torre Annunziata announce the discovery of an extraordinary find, which has emerged intact from the excavation of the suburban villa of Civita Giuliana, beyond the walls to the north of the ancient city of Pompeii, as part of the joint operations launched in 2017 and in accordance with the Memorandum of Understanding signed in 2019, which sought to combat illegal activities which had been conducted in the area.
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- Written by: Comunicato stampa
The Thermopolium of Regio V, one of the snack bars at Pompeii, complete with an image of a Nereid riding a sea-horse, which had previously been partially excavated in 2019, re-emerges in its entirety, with other rich decorative still lifes, food residues, animal bones and victims of the eruption.
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- Written by: Comunicato stampa
A drone flight over the ancient city and and the new excavations leads us to discover the newly uncovered domus, including: the House with the Garden with its splendid triclinium frescoes and painted portico; the House of Orion with its First Style paintings and the mosaic of Orion, which is the only one of its kind; and in addition the settings of everyday life. It is an extraordinary cross-section of the daily life of the city.
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- Written by: Comunicato stampa