Daily limit of 20,000 visitors;
Time slots for the site of Pompeii during the summer months, the period with the highest number of visitors - from 1 April to 31 October- which will enable:
From 9.00 am to 12.00 pm, a maximum of 15,000 admissions (subdivided into 12,000 for Pompeii express and 3,000 for Pompei +)
From 12.00 pm to 5.30 pm, a maximum of 5,000 admissions (subdivided into 3,000 for Pompeii express and 2,000 for Pompei +)
Nominative tickets
We recommend booking tickets well in advance for the busiest periods (April 1 to October 31).
Opening hours from 1st April to 31st October
Opening 9.00
Closing 19.00
Last entrance 17.30
Opening hours from 1st November to 31st March
Opening 9.00
Closing 17.00
Last entrance 15.30
Open every day
Closed on: 25th December, 1st May, 1st January (Unless otherwise communicated).
Ticket price:
Pompeii: Full ticket € 18.00 - *reduced rate € 2.00 - Free tickets and reductions as per regulations
Information Phone:
Switchboard: +39 0818575111 Infopoint: +39 0818575347
(#) Admission cost of €2.00 for EU citizens between the ages of 18 and under 25. The reduced tariff is also valid for citizens of countries outside the European Union “holders of the residence permit in Italy issued for the reasons indicated on the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs”
Free ticket every first Sunday of the month:
on these free Sundays (the first of every month), in order to prevent overcrowding which could put the safety and protection of both the site and visitors in jeopardy, and to optimise visitor flow, should the number of visitors exceed 15,000 by 12:00, the ticket offices will close for an hour.
Reduced (18-24 years old) and Free (under 18 years old and other specified categories) tickets cannot be purchased in advance. In this case, buyers will have to go to the Archaeological Park’s ticket office to show their document entitling them to free admission (identity card or other document proving the right to free admission).
The free ticket for a single access must be requested at the physical ticket office.
Visitors whose status falls into one of the following categories will be granted free admission at the on-site ticket offices, upon presentation of a relevant document:
– non-EU citizens under the age of 18 (while awaiting regulatory adjustment of rules and international requirements, Bray Minister of Cultural Heritage and Tourism, , has instructed all ministry offices to immediately implement these provisions, thus granting free admission to state-owned museums also to non-EU minors, Rome 28th May 2013).
– EU citizens with disabilities and either a family member or an accompanying caregiver in possession of evidence of employment for health and social-care assistance services (Ministerial Decree no. 239 of 20th April 2006).
– non-EU nationals, subject to a condition of reciprocity (children under 12 must be accompanied).
– EU tour guides carrying out their professional activities, upon presentation of a valid licence issued by the competent authorities.
– tourist interpreters from the EU, when their assistance is required alongside the guide, upon presentation of a valid licence issued by the competent authorities.
– MiBAC (Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities) personnel.
– members of the ICOM (International Council of Museums).
– groups of students from EU public or private schools with prior booking arrangements, accompanied by their teachers, and within the quota established by the head of the institution.
– students enrolled in higher-level training courses at Ministry Schools (Istituto Centrale per il Restauro, Opificio delle Pietre Dure, Scuola per il Restauro del Mosaico).
-tenured and fixed-term contracted school teachers , upon presentation of an appropriate certificate issued by the school based on the model drawn up by the Italian Ministry of Education, Universities and Research (Decree No. 111 of 14th April 2016).
– teachers and students enrolled in Italian Fine Arts Academies or equivalent EU institutions, upon presentation of a valid certificate of enrolment for the current academic year.
– professors and students enrolled in bachelor’s, master’s, postgraduate, or doctoral degree courses in the following faculties:
Architecture, Cultural Heritage Conservation, Educational Sciences, as well as Literature and Philosophy with an archaeological or historic-artistic specialisation. The same concessions are available to professors and students from equivalent faculties or courses set up in EU Member States. In order to gain free access, students must provide a valid certificate of enrolment for the current academic year, while professors must provide a relevant document.
– secondary school art history teachers, upon presentation of a relevant document.
– Italian journalists with up-to-date membership fee payments and a valid stamp for the current year, upon presentation of a relevant document testifying their professional status. Foreign journalists, in accordance with Article 28 of the Italian law no. 69 dated 3rd February 1963, are included in the special lists attached to the register of journalists referred to in the preceding articles 26 and 27. These concessions are valid until 7th September 2022.
– EU citizens with disabilities and the person accompanying them (a family member or other carer, provided that the latter provides proof of working for welfare and health-care services).
Free admission is also granted for the purpose of study or research certified by MIBAC bodies, schools, universities, academies, or research and culture institutes in Italy and abroad. The Heads of the Institutes will be granted free entrance to the exhibition sites within their sphere of competence for fixed periods of time on proof of specific requirements.
Free admission is granted to holders of the annually-issued Picture ID card for architectural, historic, artistic and ethno-anthropological heritage for the purpose of research and study on proof of specific requirements. The Director General can issue the ID cards to the following parties:
– operators of voluntary associations working in MIBAC (Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities) branch offices bound by specific agreements.
– Conservation specialists and honorary curators of the MIBAC.
– service people of the Carabinieri Command for the Protection of Cultural Heritage.
– members of the I.C.C.R.O.M. (International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property);
– Italian and foreign researchers specialising in subjects related to cultural heritage, upon presentation of specific certificates issued by the International Union of Institutes of Archaeology, History and Art History (Unione Internazionale degli Istituti di archeologia, storia e storia dell’arte) in Rome.
Source: Archaeological Park of Pompeii